Starting an Investment Club
This article includes a few of the "must knows" before beginning your investment club endeavor.
What is an Investment Club?:
Doug Gerlach explains this often-confused definition.
Top 3 Steps to Starting a Club:
Here are three easy steps to getting a club rolling: Legal setup, the club books, and setting up a brokerage account.
Starting a Club:
Having trouble starting your club. This article includes all the tips and tricks to get your club off the ground without a hitch.
Your Initial Letter:
Want to ask your friends to join but don't know how? This non-invasive letter will put a fun spin on starting an investment club.
Starting an Online Club:
Learn the differences between traditional and online clubs -- and learn the ins and outs of cyberspace clubs.
Finding a Club: Having trouble finding a club? This article will help you tackle the task of finding the best club for you.
Setting Initial Goals for Your Club: Successful clubs have goals that make sense - and stick to them!
A Partnership - Really?:
Here is a little detail on why a partnership may be the best legal form when starting an investment club.
Warning, Warning:
Learn about some key pitfalls to avoid when starting on your investment club adventure.
Silent Partners?:
Some detail on whether or not your club can, or should have silent partners as members.
>>> Go to Club Essentials
>>> Go to Maintaining a Club