Learn to Invest in the Stock Market
New to investing in the stock market? ICLUBcentral has been helping individuals learn how to invest in stocks -- on their own and in investment clubs -- for more than twenty-five years. Here are some of our education resources for stock investors and investment clubs.
Educational & Product Webinars
Join myICLUB.com's investment club and stock investing guru Doug Gerlach and other expert instructors for a series of free online webinars about investment club operations and accounting, stock research and analysis, and portfolio management for clubs and individual investors. Doug and his team will walk you through our popular investment club and stock tools and demonstrate how to improve your portfolio. Instructors will be available during and after the sessions to answer questions from attendees. If you miss a live session, you can access copies of the handouts and recorded videos of the presentations on our YouTube channel.
View webinar schedule and replays.
Visit the ICLUBcentral Channel on YouTube.
Visit the Investment Club Hub
For millions of Americans, investment clubs have been a successful way to learn how to invest in stocks. By investing a few dollars a month along with a few friends, neighbors, coworkers, and other like-minded folk, individuals have learned how to build and manage a portfolio. With those skills in hand, most club members go on to use similar practices to build their own personal wealth and reach their financial goals. Interested? The myICLUB.com Club Hub is a complete investment club learning center, with dozens of articles related to modern-day investment clubs. You'll find information on starting a club, running a club, investment club accounting, federal and state tax preparation and filing, how to resolve club issues, and much more.
View the myICLUB Club Hub.
Five Steps to Successful Stock Investing
ICLUBcentral's mission is to provide tools to help individuals and investment club members to become smarter investors. Our products are aimed at non-professional investors, providing high-quality yet easy-to-use software and services that enable our customers to invest successfully in the stock market -- without spending thousands of dollars. Our products are built around our unique Five Steps to Successful Stock Investing program. By faithfully following these steps, and using our software and web tools, you too can become a successful long-term investor. ICLUBcentral's President and editor of our three investing newsletters, financial author Doug Gerlach, has detailed our Five Steps To Successful Stock Investing, a complete program for developing a portfolio using our software and tools to build a successful stock portfolio.
Read "Five Steps To Successful Stock Investing".
Learn About the Stock Selection Guide (SSG)
The Stock Selection Guide (SSG) is a time-tested tool for analyzing stocks to understand their growth, quality, and value attributes. Our popular SSG Tutorial is a quick guide to learning BetterInvesting's key stock analysis tool used by the majority of U.S. investment clubs. The SSG is an easy-to-understand application that cuts through the clutter and organizes essential information on a company’s performance for beginning and experienced investors. This enables individual investors to easily determine for themselves whether a company’s stock reflects a quality growth company and whether the stock is selling at a reasonable price.
Go to the SSG Tutorial.
Learn How BetterInvesting Can Make You a Better Investor
Finally, we invite you to sample additional investing tools and educational resources offered by BetterInvesting. Established in 1951 as the National Association of Investors (NAIC), the organization today is a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that has helped more than five million people from all walks of life learn how to improve their financial futures. BetterInvesting provides common sense investment education and an easy to learn method of selecting and analyzing stocks, all from an unbiased perspective that helps to create successful lifelong investors. Based on its proven principles and time-tested approach, BetterInvesting can provide you with unbiased stock investing classes, effective online stock selection and analysis tools, and exclusive investor publications and other resources.
Visit BetterInvesting.org.