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Management & Board of Directors


Doug Gerlach
Doug has helped countless people get started on the road to financial freedom. A true Internet pioneer, he founded one of the earliest financial Websites,, in 1994, and co-founded NAIC's original website in 1995. In his role as President, Doug serves as ICLUBcentral's product manager and evangelist for tools such as,, and the award-winning Investor Advisory Service newsletter (for which he also serves as editor). Doug founded several of the tools in ICLUBcentral's toolbox, including StockCentral and the market-beating SmallCap Informer newsletter. He is the author of several books, including The Complete Idiot's Guide to Online Investing, The Armchair Millionaire, and Investment Clubs for Dummies, and maintains his commitment to making personal finance accessible to all, through magazine articles, media appearances, webinars, and speaking engagements.


Clarence "Joe" Farrell
Chairman, Board of Directors
Joe Farrell retired in 2012 as Trust Portfolio Manager for Trustmark National Bank following 37 years in the banking industry. His career began in 1975 as a National Bank Examiner with the Officer of the Comptroller of the Currency in Memphis. In 1987, he first volunteered with his local BetterInvesting chapter, and in the ensuing years continued to serve at the local, regional, and national levels. He currently serves as treasurer for two investment clubs, and as treasurer of the BetterInvesting Volunteer Advisory Board. Joe joined ICLUBcentral's Board of Directors in 2020.


Lindsey Bell
Interim CEO

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