Release Notes for Toolkit 6
Note: Sales of Toolkit 6 ended on September 30, 2021. Technical support continues to be available for registered users of version 6 only, and data subscriptions from both and BetterInvesting also remain active for users of Toolkit 6.
The most current version of Toolkit is 6.5.4 You may check what version you are on from within the program:
- Select the HELP pull down menu.
- Click ABOUT TOOLKIT 6.... Your version will be listed.
To update your software program:
- Note that the program checks for the latest version when verifying your Internet connection upon startup.
- If you were not online when the software opened, select the HELP pull down menu.
- Select Check for Updates.
- Follow the prompts to download and install the update.
January 2018 - Version 6.5.4 Update:
Features & Changes:
- The Import Company options in the File menu have been reorganized and re-labeled.
- Several *.ITK files may now be imported all at once from the File > Import menu.
- Behind the scenes, the program's use of Toolkit6Server.exe file has been deprecated to decrease antivirus/Internet security program blacklisting or deactivation of the Toolkit 6 program when installing or updating.
- As a result of the deprecation of Toolkit6Server.exe file, once the Toolkit program is running, double-clicking a *.SSG or *.ITK file on the computer will no longer open that study. Users should import companies from the File menu if Toolkit 6 is running.
November 2017 - Version 6.5.3 Update:
Features & Changes:
- The menu item to "Import User Defined Price File" has been removed from the menu. This function had been disabled with the release of Version 6.0 although the menu item remained.
- The predefined Web Links have been updated. The order of the links is changed as a result of the changes.
- Yahoo! Finance discontinued its price downloads, so the Yahoo! Finance Price Feed option in the Preferences screen has been removed.
- The manual "Import Price File" option, available in the File Menu under Update Prices, is restored to allow 52-week high and low prices to be included. The expected format of the CSV file is "Symbol,Last Price,Date,Market Time,Chg,Open,High,Low,Volume,52-Wk Low,52-Wk High". The Symbol, Last Price, Date, 52-week High and 52-week Low prices are the only ones used by the Toolkit 6 program.
- The labels on the Quarterly Trend Graph have been adjusted so that they do not overlap when many quarters are available or the graph is displayed in a small window.
- On the Portfolio Overview screen, a new metric has been added, the "Projected EPS Growth Rate." This is the dollar-weighted average of the user's projected EPS growth rate for all companies in the portfolio. For a growth portfolio, capital appreciation is the key component of total return, and capital appreciation is driven by earnings growth over the long-term. As such, monitoring the aggregate earnings power of the companies in a portfolio is important in order to reach the portfolio's target total return goal.
December 2016 - Version 6.5.2 Update:
Features & Changes:
- Fixed issue with CSV price file import where tickers were sometimes replaced with other tickers (AAL changed to AAL.V, ACO.X.TO changed to ACP.V, etc.)
- Default projection line method in Preferences is now Quarterly instead of Annual.
- Sample company library is updated for new installations.
- Fixed an issue where obsolete companies would sometimes appear as having prices when using ICLUBcentral price feed (such as WAG).
- Updated ICLUBcentral price feed to calculate 52 week high and low prices to reflect intra-day prices (instead of just end-of-day prices).
- Updated algorithms that triggered “Update Data” button to become red (incorporating Preferences in data thresholds).
- Added error messages to notify users of invalid symbols when doing data update.
- Added settings to Preferences to allow users to suppress warning messages during data update (for splits and other data discrepancies).
October 2016 - Version 6.5.1 Update:
Features & Changes:
- Alt-K toggles the Average High and Low P/E Ratios in the Stock Study Section 3 between the 5- and 10-year options.
- Locked companies are no longer changed when prices for all stocks in a library or portfolio are updated.
- The company locator database has been updated to include new companies, remove delisted companies, and update changes to company names and ticker symbols.
- When exporting a Stock Study, the Judgment Date is now included properly in the export file.
March 2016 - Version 6.5.0 Update:
Features & Changes:
- Company sizes used in the Company Size Diversification Report reflect new BetterInvesting guidelines (Micro < $100M, Small between $100M and $1B, Midsized between $1B and $10B, Large between $10B and $50B, Mega > $50B).
- The Company Size Diversification Report now sorts from Smallest to Largest, and the Sort A-Z/Sort Z-A icons on these two reports are removed.
- The percentage debt-to-capitalization figure in the Stock Study header is now using the figure as of the end of the last quarter, if available (as opposed to the end of the last fiscal year).
- When first installing, the Preference for the data service defaults to BetterInvesting rather than StockCentral.
- On page 2 of the Stock Study in Section 2C, the label is changed to "% LT Debt to Equity" to reflect the actual data being displayed (long-term debt vs. total debt). The popup graph is now labeled LT Debt as well.
- On page 1 in the Stock Study header, the label for the field "% Debt to Tot.Cap." is changed to "% Tot Debt to Tot Cap" to reflect the actual data being displayed (total debt).
- On page 1 in the Stock Study header, the label for the field "Debt($M)" is changed to to "Total Debt ($M)" to reflect the actual data being displayed (total debt).
- On the Visual Analysis Analysts Estimate entry window, the label for the Sales column is changed to "Sales (Millions)" to remind users to enter values here in millions.
- The Community menu in the Stock Study now open the default browser and goes to the website.
- The default Web Links have been updated.
- The unnecessarry 3rd decimal places have been removed in the stock prices in section 4B(d), 4C, 4D, and 5A of the Stock Study.
April 2015 - Version 6.4.15 Update:
Features & Changes:
- Fixed issue with price downloads from Yahoo! Finance.
- Added Projected Relative Value as Sort option on Reports.
- Corrected display of Relative Value on page 2 of Stock Study to include percentage sign.
- Changed header label on Overview and Alerts screen to display Projected Relative Value, matching data that is used in that column.
- Fixed rounding issue in calculation of Projected Relative Value on page 2 of Stock Study.
- Corrected issue with sort order of company names in Stock Library.
- Fixed bitmap that is created from Screenshot icon on Quarterly Trend Graph to include all selected data series.
- Fixed error preventing download of data for ticker ISRG.
- Added warning message when saving Stock Study for a company that already exists in a portfolio.
November 2014 - Version 6.4.14 Update:
Features & Changes:
- Now prevents forms that were displayed on a second monitor that no longer is available from appearing off screen (invisible).
- Allows saving studies with the same company names.
- Total return on the PERT report is now calculated the same as on the back of the SSG and on Portfolio Summary Report.
- Total Return and "% of Portfolio" on the Portfolio Summary Report are now rounded to 1 digit past the decimal point.
- PEG ratio on the PERT report are now displayed the same as the value on the back of the SSG (as a decimal instead of as a percentage).
- Projected Relative Value on the back of the SSG is now calculated the same way as the PERT report (by using Projected PE/((projected high PE+Projected Low PE)/2)).
- "Common Shares" on the Company Data screen is now labelled "Avg. Basic Shares."
- "Fully Diluted Shares" on the Company Data screen is now labelled "Avg. Diluted Shares."
- Data for Diluted Shares is now imported into studies and used in for Outstanding Shares.
- The label in the SSG header now reads "Diluted Shares" instead of "Common Shares."
- Diluted Shares is now displayed in the header of the SSG.
- The label in the Company Annual Data screen is changed from "Shs Outstanding" to "Diluted Shares."
- The label in the Preferred Procedure popup is changed from "Divided by Shares Outs. (Current Sh’s Outs.(M)):" to "Divided by Shares Outs. (Current Dil. Sh’s (M)):".
- Diluted Shares is now the default value for Shares Outstanding in the Preferred Procedure popup.
- The label in the Preferred Procedure popup is changed from "Annual Shares Outstanding" to "Diluted Shares Outstanding."
February 2014 - Version 6.4.13 Update:
Features & Changes:
- Judgment is no longer changed when data updates are made.
- When sorting by date in the Personal Library, companies are now sorted secondarily by name.
- When entering data by hand, the Enter key now advances the cursor through all fields on the Annual Data screen.
January 2014 - Version 6.4.12 Update:
Features & Changes:
- Fixed condition where updating data or prices for Canadian and other non-U.S. stocks caused the program to crash.
- In Section 2 of the Stock Study, years with zero values are now excluded from the calculation of Average Debt-to-Equity.
November 2013 - Version 6.4.11 Update:
Features & Changes:
- Fixed bug in last quarter date calculation in Personal Library.
November 2013 - Version 6.4.10 Update:
Features & Changes:
- Program now stores the date of the last data update, the date of the last price update, and the date when judgment was last saved by user; all 3 options appear in Personal Library and are sortable.
- Last Judgment Date is now set when user reviews/enters judgment in any of various places or by launching judgment audit.
- On the Overview screen, the "Price Date" is now column is labelled "Last Price."
- In the personal Library sorting popup, the "Price Date" is now labelled "Last Price."
- High and low prices are now imported properly when using ICLUBcentral option for price updates.
- *.ITK file import now sets "calculated" flag correctly for high price option.
- The Section 2 trend calculations are fixed to match SSGPlus/CoreSSG. (To determine trend, TK6 was comparing average to latest year using an absolute 0.5 variation instead of a percentage difference, so that a margin of 2.0 or 32.0 would be compared to an average of 2.5 or 32.5, respectively, and the trend would be even for both).
- The Upside/Downside ratio was showing two different numbers in two different places, and is now fixed.
- We now show the R2 EPS growth figure as calculated with outliers on the Stock Comparison.
- The Reward/Risk calculation was sometimes generating a divide-by-zero bug, now fixed.
- The decimal places on the Stock Comparison report (lines 21, 22, 23, 26, and 28) are adjusted to reflect the proper precision.
October 2012 - Version 6.4.9 Update:
Features & Changes:
- Fixed price update issue that could cause Toolkit to not update prices for stocks when using the Update Prices link on the Toolkit 6 Home Page.
October 2012 - Version 6.4.8 Update:
Features & Changes:
- Adjustment to rounding of EPS figures on Portfolio Review report.
- Adjustment to Toolkit updater for screens set above 96dpi.
- Calculation for Dollar average Risk/Reward on portfolios now calculated the same as on other reports.
- Adjustment to Sector/Industry and Company Size reports to allow for single stock portfolios.
September 2012 - Version 6.4.7 Update:
Features & Changes:
- Custom forecast high price in section 4 is now stored in *.SSG and *.ITK files.
- Update company data window now properly handles companies saved with the same ticker symbol.
- Run time error 5 is fixed for the data window.
March 2012 - Version 6.4.6 Update:
Features & Changes:
- Prices for foreign stocks with multiple share classes can now be updated (ex. AC.A.TO).
- Prices for foreign stocks can now be updated for an entire portfolio.
- Portfolio Summary Report is updated to accommodate future prices higher than $1,000 for stocks (such as AAPL and GOOG).
- When updating data using the "Changes Only" setting, existing quarterly or annual data is not overwritten.
- When entering a user-set future expected high price in Section 4A, the program remembers your choice per company and updates accordingly.
- Prices in Section 3 now display properly when entering data for a new company by hand.
- Added sample web links for BetterInvesting tools and Investor Advisory Service search (for IAS subscribers).
- Removed "Estimated Tax Rate" from the annual data entry window, and changed Revenue-Based EPS Estimate to use last year's tax rate as default.
January 2012 - Version 6.4.5 Update:
Features & Changes:
- Adjusted behavior when manually editing the Projected High Price. The program now remembers your preference for using a manually-entered high price or the calculated high price after the first time you update the company's data for each stock study completed. To trigger the preference, update a company's data, and then select either the calculated high price or the manually-entered high price, and the program will use that choice going forward.
- Improved the behavior when setting the "Data Date" in the database by considering the most recent of the last quarter date and the last fiscal year date.
- Now allows price updates via Yahoo! Finance for non-US companies using the 2-character exchange extension in the ticker symbol (such as .TO for the Toronto Stock Exchange, .MX for Mexico, .PA for Paris, etc.).
- Resolved issue where program locked up when editing or adding information (particularly the stock exchange) using the Enter key on the Basic Data tab.
December 2011 - Version 6.4.4 Update:
Features & Changes:
- Fixed rounding in future high price selections.
- Enlarged font size on printed Notes.
- Fixed corrupted import/export of *.ITK files.
- Corrected popup text for Manual on toolbar.
December 2011 - Version 6.4.3 Update:
Features & Changes:
View Archived Webinar "What's New in Toolkit Version 6.4.3"
- Offense and Defense screens include subtitles to describe function of those screens.
Portfolio Reports
- Added function to sort by % Yield on Portfolio Review Report.
- Removed option to print forms in color which did not work for many printers.
- Corrected display of stock split notification dialog box.
- Corrected determination used to set fiscal year end month from data.
- Exported *.SSG filenames include preparer name and current date.
- Exporting a Toolkit Stock Library now works properly.
- Ticker/company name database updated.
- Prices can now be retrieved for multiple share class stocks (such as Moog and Berkshire Hathaway) without changing ticker symbol in data screen.
- Prices can now be retrieved from ICLUBcentral as well as from Yahoo! Finance.
- ADR flag added to identify stocks which are American Depositary Receipts.
Stock Study
- First Impression: Now displays with Ctrl-Alt-I hotkey combination if automatic display is disabled in Preferences.
- "Cash Flow" is renamed "Free Cash Flow" to reflect changes in datafile specification.
- Notes indicator now turns off if notes are deleted and field is blank.
- Improved logic used to display date of current price date based on price and/or data update functions.
- Alt-Q now toggles future low EPS values using most recent fiscal year, trailing twelve months, forward twelve months, average of FTM & TTM, and user-set values.
- 52-week high and low Price/Earnings Ratios are displayed with 52-week high and low prices in Section 3.
- Future high price can be manually edited.
Analysts Estimates
- User-entered analyst estimate data can now be locked to prevent being overridden during data update.
February 2011 - Version 6.4.2 Update:
Features Added:
Portfolio Report Card
- Homepage grid is no longer cut off if more than three portfolios exist.
- Selected portfolio is sticky (Roster of Quality is not always first on the list).
Portfolio Reports
- Sorting fixed on new Portfolio Rreports.
- Focus on portfolio reports is now on report itself, not sort dropdown.
- Security length name lengthened on Sectory/Industry Diversification Portfolio Report.
- Can now print new Portfolio Reports.
- Breakdown text added to Company Size labels on associated Portfolio Report.
- Header labels fixed in Company Size Diversisifcaiton Report ("% OF PORT" and "SIZE BY REVENUES").
- Projected RV on Portfolio Report Card & Portfolio Review now match Portfolio Summary Report.
- PERT "Edit EPS" help button now works.
- Preferences now always open defaulted to datafeed tab.
- add "Posted to by Toolkit 6" to messages for studies posted to StockCentral.
- Selecting "don't show again" for download alert now changes setting in preferences.
- When opening Notes, stock study is no longer unmaximized.
- High price column in Update Prices always says "NONE".
- RTE 13 fixed (crash when inputting letters into Analysts Estimate).
- RTE 11 fixed (crash for some portfolio with average PE=0).
- SSG file format now writes out/reads in Analysts estimates for EPS & Sales.
Stock Study
- Section 2: ROE Graph now plots correctly.
- Section 3: Blank table cell now populated with avg ttm + ftm eps.
- Section 3: displays original Average PE, RV & Proj RV as well as adjusted when high and low PE ratios are removed as outliers.
- Section 5: displays components of calculations for average yield used in CAR & PAR.
Analysts Estimates
- Revenue based EPS estimate windows cosmetic cleanup.
- Analysts' Estimates now displayed with two decimal places.
- Fixed allowable length of "Source" of analysts estimates (previously caused crash).
June 8th 2010 - Version 6.3.0 Update:
View an archived video webinar reviewing the features in version 6.3.
Features Added:
Stock Study:
- A Buy/Sell/Hold indicator appears next to the Current Price on the Stock Study graph.
- View the values of the fiscal year sales and EPS estimates when you move the mouse over the points on the graph.
- R2 values on front of Stock Study and in Historical Growth screen are now re-calculated when outliers are removed. At the bottom of the graph, the original R2 values are crossed out if outliers are removed and the resulting R2 value is different.
- Users can turn off the growth rate reference lines (10%, 15%, 20%, etc.) from the graph display in Preferences.
- Analysts' future fiscal year sale estimates can now be added to the Stock Study graph.
- The Analysts' estimates dialog box has been reformatted, and now allows you to review, edit, or enter Sales estimates and analysts' consensus estimate growth rate. A link to your Web Links allows you to go to the Internet for retrieval of estimates information and data.
- The graphing functions have been improved, with easier dragging and dropping, better auto-scaling of items, and saving of custom-set graph positions to the database. Companies that previously initially displayed with historical data "off the graph" are now handled better.
- New graphs of Return on Equity and Debt-to-Equity are provided in Section 2.
- Two new reports have been added to show the Diversification by Company Size and by Sector/Industry.
- From the Portfolio Alerts page, the "Check Trends" button goes to the Quarterly Trend Graph, instead of to the Quarterly Trend Report.
- On the Portfolio Review Report, the "5 Yr Ave P/E Ratio" column displays the user-selected future High and Low P/E Ratios in Section 4 (and the resulting average). However, the "Projected RV" on the Portfolio Review Report was using the "Average P/E Ratio" from Section 3 of the Stock Study, so the Projected Relative Value figure displayed on the Report would not be the same as the value a user could manually calculate from the P/E Ratios on the Report. As such, the "5 Yr Ave P/E Ratio" column has been renamed "Proj 5 Yr P/E Ratios" (since these are the user-selected future High and Low P/E Ratios in Section 4 are are forward-looking figure). The Projected Relative Value figure is now calculated by dividing the Current P/E Ratio by the Projected Average P/E Ratio (both as shown on the Portfolio Review Report).
- The preference options have been standardized to make it easier to understand and set desired behavior. Some preferences have been reorganized and now appear on different tabs.
- A new preference allows you to turn off the Smart Data Updater when starting up the program.
- The function to use a data source on a hard drive or local media (such as the AAII datafiles or Value Line CD) has been restored.
- BetterInvesting data subscribers now can view the First Impression screen when loading a company for the first time.
- The alert message when switching away from the StockCentral datafeed has been removed. The text now appears on the Preferences > Data Feed tab.
- Links have been added in Preferences > Data Feed to help users reset or recover their data subscription passwords.
- StockCentral functions have been enabled for any user with a current user name and password even if StockCentral is not the currently active data subscription.
Bugs Fixed:
- Error messages revised for failed data requests
- Printing errors revised for 64-bit users
- Revenue EPS Est overrides no longer behave inconsistently
- Duplicate open files warning no longer occurs
- Ticker retrieval option moved to Data Feed section of Preferences
- Graphing of extra items scaling / display problem
- Custom low price editing on Section 4B fixed
- SSG: click between "Data" text and "Adjust Graph" icon no longer opens link
- Symbol & Exchange no longer overlap if NASDAQ
- Low price default judgment always works now
- Sec3 %Payout now always changes Sec5B
- Compare Stocks header behavior is now consistent
- Debt/Equity sometimes now shows zero for first year (instead of NMF)
- Buy Price text adjusted for First Impression
- Help button fixed on EPS Estimates screen
- Avg Low P/E changed to Selected Low P/E
- File menu: Compares Stocks never says New Comparison
- First Impression uses SSG value when possible
- "% to Tot. Cap." in header is reworded
- Zacks links fixed in Internet section
- New company now saved properly to a new library
- Analyst estimates no longer writes zero to .SSG and ,ITK file
- Printing Summary report no longer results in header columns misaligned
- Proxy settings no longer won't disable after you enable them
- Certain companies no longer show no graph lines w/BI datafeed
- Comparison Guide: Line 8 is no longer mislabelled
- Visual Analysis graphh lines no longer behave inconsistently
- Links added to reset datafeed passwords
- Reimporting .CSV exported from TK6 no longer crashes
- Numerous "Complete Roster" labels changed to "Roster of Quality"
- Wording options in preferences made consitent
- Importing an .ITK will no longer result in blank "EPS Estimates" line
- Visual Analysis long term debt line can now be moved around
- Company locator database and sample comapnies updated
- REC column in Portfolio Summary adjusted
- Historical Growth no longer crashes if there are less than six years of sales data
- Footer copyright year and phone updated
- Exporting SSG now correctly writes out line 271
- Line 21 of Compare form changed to "Reward/Risk Ratio"
- Comparison no longer crashes if you open a company when maximized
- New graph items in visual analysis now save plot positions
- StockCentral features enabled if user has both datafeeds
- Options added to enable/disable automatic data and roster updates
- 2B Graph no longer crashes for ticker CMG
- Ctrl-click and drag for LTDT for co. with no debt no longer crashes
June 23rd 2009 - Version 6.2.0 Update:
Features Added:
- A brand new header on page 1 of the Stock Study now displays the company's Sector, Quality, and the Date of the last Price Update.
- The Data Entry screen now allows for entering the company's Sector, Quality, and Target Return.
- At the bottom of Stock Study, the R-squared values for historical EPS and Sales are displayed.
- The graph colors of additional items can be edited.
- The EPS Growth estimates dialog box displays the Implied EPS Growth Rate, as well as the Take Stock Projected EPS Growth Rate (for StockCentral subscribers).
- A new preference is available to use Average Equity in addition to Beginning of Year and End of Year Equity in Section 2B.
- Debt/Equity is no longer affected by the Start of Year/End of Year Equity preference, and is now always properly calculated using Year-End Equity.
- Relative Value and Projected Relative Value have been moved to Section 3.
- The Price Variance Quotient option for Low Price selection is now calculated properly.
- Web links for non-ticker-specific addresses are now properly displayed in the dropdown list of sites.
- Column headers in the Portfolio Review Report have been re-aligned to make them more meaningful.
Bugs Fixed:
- Web links are now imported from Toolkit 5 or from manual .ITB import.
- Portfolio Review report: columns aligned to contents in headers.
- Improved error handling for invalid StockCentral and BetterInvesting logins.
- Various typos fixes.
- Relative values moved to bottom of section 3.
- All reports: yellow rows changed to light grey.
- All reports: grid lines changed from black to grey.
- Low Price Average no longer calculated with 5 years when 10-year option is selected under Preferences.
- Section 4 PEG Ratio now rounds to one decimal place.
- Challenge Alert box now fits all text.
- Labels corrected in program to differentiate between SSG file's Quality and DataFeed Sources.
December 10th 2008 - Version 6.1.1 Update:
- Company lookup list updated.
- Program no longer crashes when hitting ESCAPE from Annual Data.
- Database no longer stores zero instead of no data, for blank data in Shares Outstanding & Long-Term Debt.
- "Select Ranges Default" changed in Preferences.
- Portfolio Summary Report now correctly labels Rwd/Rsk column.
- Change EPS Estimates "Source" text changed to "EPS Estimates Source".
- EPS Estimates' "Source" text no longer covered up.
- Company links now save properly.
November 19th 2008 - Version 6.1.0 Update:
- Cash flow per share option now added to visual analysis graph.
- Re-arrangement of items to cleanup Stock Study Back.
- "" is no longer cut off at bottom of forms.
- User can now force an update to the Roster of Quality.
- Visual analyis colors no longer change from black to green when removing outlier years.
- Date Roster of Quality was updated now shown in Library.
- Removed "print forms using black" since all forms black now.
- Trend lines now appear correctly after changing and saving for companies with negative earnings.
- Section 5B yellow box strikeout now displays in correct place.
- Section 5D now correctly only displays when selected under preferences.
- Preference setting for "Use Earlier Year instead of Current Year" text changed to "Use Previous Year Equity instead of Current Year Equity".
- Institutional and insider ownership figures are now updated with data refresh.
- SALES and CHG header labels swapped on Pre-tax Profit column for Portfolio Review.
October 15th 2008 - Version 6.0.2 Update:
- Low price no longer incorrectly appears with a strikeout going through it.
- A temporary database location is no longer created when using multiple databases.
- EPS Estimates now save properly after forcing a data refresh.
- Newly selected graph items no longer appear off screen on visual analysis window.
September 23rd 2008 - Version 6.0.1 Update:
- EPS estimates now properly save after closing a company and reopening.
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